My purpose is to enable leaders to become more conscious, true to who they really are and in simple terms, more human. I believe leading in this way, integrating and accepting all our qualities, can create organisations that are liberating and extraordinary places to be a part of.
What you get when you work with me is a commercially focussed, intuitive, relationship builder. In pursuit of the ambitions of the organisation and its purpose, I open up channels of discussion and exploration in a natural and honest way. I practice remaining conscious of what is needed and being courageous in my interventions. My qualifications include Harthill’s Leadership Development Framework, Hogan Assessment and MBTI.
Prior to joining BRIDGE I spent 15 years in Corporate HR with General Electric and PepsiCo. Always fascinated by relationship dynamics and seeing my purpose often as the ‘navigator and truth teller’, I was drawn to Commercial HR roles at PepsiCo, where the difference in performance was more often than not created by leaders’ capacity to bring others together and create new way of thinking. As my interest in leadership and development grew, my final role with PepsiCo was European Head of Talent where I was accountable for the succession of their Executive positions.