How Did She Get There? Our research paper is out now!

Read our study to find out the five key patterns that women leaders have in common which have led to their success.

Download the study

For the last year or so BRIDGE has been researching how women get to senior roles in organisations that are highly patriarchal or traditionally populated predominantly by men. We have been finding women who are known to have achieved this without trying to become honorary men. There has been much said about why women fail and not enough about why they succeed, we hope to be part of a growing movement that is looking to stop ‘fixing’ women.

The purpose of our research is to construct a more holistic model of leadership and step-change organisational solutions to the diversity and inclusion agenda. We know that the current constructs of organisational life can sometimes suit quite a narrow band of humans (excluding quite a few men) and hope to deepen our exploration into all areas of gender intersectionality.

We are just in the process of finalising our outputs, so we thought it would be a great opportunity to share and get further inputs from our diverse, open minded and creative clients’ and network.

In this session we will:

  • Give you a sneak preview of our latest thinking
  • Explore the key insights from our ‘How did she get there’ research
  • Look at the implications for individuals and organisations and evolve this together


Tuesday 18th January, 12:30-14:00 UK

Via Zoom

For more information please email